By Liz Small
As the Downtown Dig construction progresses, Queen St. will be closed to vehicles between Lambton and Harbour St. This decision was based on ongoing safety concerns with vehicular, pedestrian and truck traffic on Queen Street. However, the intersection at Lambton and Queen will remain open.
Municipal staff are working with Lavis Contracting to install a pedestrian crossing north of the Harbour Street intersection to cross Queen St., when it’s safe to do so. This crossing is planned to be open the majority of the time until construction begins in Phase 2. Temporary construction fencing and waterlines will be installed during this phase. It should also be noted that the intersection at Durham Market Square south and Queen St will be closed this week, as crews replace and connect the main sanitary sewer line. Detour routes will be changed to direct traffic along Huron Terrace.
Shop & Dine Passports
To encourage shoppers to support the downtown businesses during construction, the BIA have created the Shop and Dine Passports. With each purchase, you’ll receive a stamp; once the card is full, you can submit your completed passport to be entered into monthly draws of $100 in BIA bucks, which can be used at any downtown business.
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